What is type 2 diabetes ? Does type 2 diabetes cause weight gain Or loss

Diabetes is a condition where your body has no longer been able to regulate the sugar in here and it comes from consuming obviously too much sugar that’s the common cause, but here’s the thing diabetes type 2 is a less serious , diabetes type 1 is a more serious type type of diabetes so type 2 is really a problem with the liver because what happens is the they take a drug called glucophage or another name for etformin and what all that does is it makes the cells in the liver more receptive or receiving more insulin so they work on the receptors in the liver , receptors so they increase the conductivity of insulin so each receptor in the liver for insulin becomes magnified and there’s 200,000 receptors for insulin for every liver cell that you have.

so if you could imagine really what diabetes type 2 is it’s insulin resistant resistive whatever you want to call it so I guess the best analogy let’s say you had a bunch of telemarketing people call your house over and over and over every day for a year you’re not gonna pick up any more okay you’re not going to keep picking up every time they call you’re going to be a bit resistive to that communication so that’s what diabetes type 2 is being very resistant resistive to insulin and then they take this drug called glucophage which basically makes it more it picks up the phone a lot more so then now we can receive that insulin communication and thus lowering the blood sugar okay so diabetes medication lowers the blood sugar so usually because these diabetes it’s a high sugar state and the problem is that if you ever have a low blood sugar and you take these medications it’s going to make it worse because you’re going to go even lower so you don’t want to take medication if it’s too low or normal only when it’s too high and the problem when the blood sugar goes low many times people are taking sugar pills which basically make the problem worse because now you’re going to spike listen to hi we’re trying to avoid that situation

Does Type 2 Diabetes Cause Weight gain or Loss

Doctors often advise insulin therapy when type 2 diabetes medications and other treatments are ineffective in controlling blood sugar. About 25% of those who have the illness experience this, and the majority of those who start insulin therapy gain weight.

Additionally, there is evidence that those who are already obese have less weight gain than others. The advantage of regulating blood glucose considerably surpasses the danger of weight gain when a person requires insulin therapy. By adhering to moderate diet suggestions like those outlined below, one can take steps to assist minimise weight gain.


Weight gain can also result from the type 2 diabetes symptom of insulin resistance. In response to insulin resistance, the pancreas generates more insulin, which tells the muscles and liver to store blood sugar. The extra blood sugar is sent to fat cells by the liver for storage when the muscles and liver are satisfied. Additionally, this may result in weight gain.

Additionally, some oral drugs, including glipizide and pioglitazone, might lead to weight gain. Other drugs like metformin, liraglutide, and dapagliflozin may make some people lose weight while making other people gain no weight. Each person should discuss with their doctor which treatment alternatives would be appropriate for them given their specific situation.

Although mаnаgіng your dіsеаsе cаn bе vеry chаllеngіng, Typе 2 dіаbеtеs іs now no longer а condіtіon you ought to simply lіvе wіth. You cаn mаkе sіmplе chаngеs for your dаіly routіnе аnd lowеr each your wеіght аnd your blood sugаr lеvеls. Hаng іn thеrе, thе longеr you do іt, thе еаsіеr іt gеts. If you аrе sеrіous аbout Blood Sugar  thеn clіck hеrе for аchіеvіng bеttеr rеsults. Wіth а bіt of commіtmеnt аnd promіsе to yoursеlf, you аrе now no longer too fаr out of your wеіght loss goаls!